School has started three days ago and I have had my first meeting to discuss the creation of my self directed major of Visual Communications. I have a lot of work ahead of me this term and that is why I decided to only take 2.5 credits instead of the normal 3. All my new lenses are giving me some good pictures. Next in line is an upgrade of my camera body. My Tokina 12-24mm is giving me a little problem when switching between manual and automatic focus, but I will send in the lens at some point to get that fixed. I just got home from the football game that we lost. I got some good photos from that with my 70-200mm Tamron. I have figured out that TKS is going to be a major time commitment and I'm going to try my best to keep up the quality of photos in the paper. I will try to keep posting on this blog during the year even during busy times.
This week's photo is from a soccer game last week against Benedictine University. This photo is strong and shows motion, effort and action. The only small problem is there is almost a bit too much motion blur in the players' hands. This is because this was shot near the end of the game and the sun was setting. The bodies and heads of the players are still for the most part so this is still a good photo.
Update: This photo actually wont be used since the game was from before the freshman issue of the paper and its now 3 weeks old. I hope to get it into the paper some time as an archived photo.
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